Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Nothing Packed but Ready to Go!

This entire summer has been a slow and painful waiting period before my departure to London for the academic year. Mostly, I worked at my summer internship (which was surprisingly more amazing than I thought it would be) and caught up with friends in Los Angeles. But since I finished up that internship, I've had too much free time to know what to do with.

For instance, today my mission in life is to go to online traffic school for my mother because she got a speeding ticket last month while we were on vacation. So far, I've completed 2 of 8 quizzes I must pass before getting the certificate in the mail. During these two "lessons," I periodically filled up with angst for having to go through this punishingly painful process for an offense I did not commit. But, I quickly realized that I really do not have anything better to do so I really do not have an excuse not to nor deserve not to since I let my life fall to this level of nothingness.

Aside from this combination of head numbing boredom, light angst, and adoration for my dog (who I will possibly miss more than anyone) that I seem to be feeling right now, I am so incredibly excited for my year abroad!

The thought of writing a blog is a little weird for me. Publishing your thoughts for anyone to see implies that you think things worth writing down and important enough for others to read. I really don't think I fit this criterion, but I do like the idea of recording your experiences while you're abroad for you to look back on and take advantage of one way modern technology has made it easier for us to keep in touch. So to the three readers that I will probably have throughout the year, this is for you.

Pretty much everything is good to go. All the paperwork is filled out, my visa and passport is safely in my desk drawer, and I've said all of my goodbyes. The one task I have yet to take on is packing. I put a few of my clothes aside that I definitely want to take with me, but other than that, my room is a mess with things I need to sort through. I think I may wait until pretty close to the last minute so that I give myself less time to think of even more things that I just "need" to take with me or I'll "die."

The one worry that I have right now is banking. There is a 3% fee for every purchase that I make with my credit card or debit card and there's also an ATM fee for cash withdrawals not made at an affiliate bank. Fees annoy me to no end, so I am seriously contemplating opening a British bank account once I arrive in London. I really can't go through paying fees for every transaction for an entire year.

As bored as I think I am, there are still a million little things (like banking) that I need to think about before I leave. Do I need one of those touristy money belt things for travel? Which handbag do I pack to maximize utility? Will I have regular internet access? Do I leave my phone behind?

I'm sure it will all work out, and despite all this thinking and worrying, my most standout emotion is excitement and eagerness to start this amazing adventure.

Cheers for now!

1 comment:

  1. Eu-nice, -nasty and -crazy!! I am so excited that you:

    a) have started your blog
    b) are coming to Europe so soon!!

    Yeah, I had to open a Bank of America account, because they have a partnership with BNP Paribas in France, so they don't charge fees for ATM withdrawals. And yes, I did bring a money belt.

    We are going to have so much fun!!
